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Grading Results



The  Club attended its third Grading at Sunderland Sendai -Sunday  9 September 2012 



Sensei  B Higgins 7th Dan

















 Congratulations to the following students who passed their first grading















9th Kyu ( Orange Belt)

James Thompson

Zehnub Khan

Shah-Rukh Khan

Zohrah Khan

Libby Rendell

Iain Docherty


Congratulations to the following students who passed

8th Kyu (Red Belt)


Josh Duncan

Adam Docherty

Owen McTaff

Lewis Keen

Harry Peacock

Joe Higgins

Clive Allen 


Also Congratulations to Sensei Keith's Students From his Ashington Dojo  










David Metcalf

Holly Metcalf

David Cummings

Dawn Duddridge 

Joe Wood 

Special Congratulations   to Dave Robinson who 

achieved a double Grade from Sensei Higgins 


Everyone showed great determination and attitude throughout the training and grading and  were a credit to their club. Everyone  deserved the reward of their new grades. 



Sensei Higgins gave a very enjoyable session with some impressive applications to 

Kata Tekki Nidan.


Sensei Keith would like to thank John  Bruce and Holly Sterling at Sunderland Sendai

 for the invitation to the grading with Sensei Higgins.





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