Grading Results
Another great day as our Club attended its 3rd Grading of 2015 at Sunderland Sendai Karate Club
with Sensei Billy Higgins 8th Dan.
We had another very successful day with 45 students from Kaizen Karate Club passing their Gradings.
Photo Coming soon
Instructors & Students Line up with Sensei Higgins
Results and photographs of our students after their grading.
Congratulations to the following students who Passed their Grading
9th Kyu Orange Belt
Shannon Meikle
Holly Graham
Reece Mason
Matthew Wilson
Jason Allan
Jake Perry
Jacob Wood
Ellie Wood
Adam Carey
Ellenor Carey
Tom Storey
Kyle underwood
Josh Robson
Nia Driver
Marc Bardsley
8th Kyu Red Belt
Robin Ravi (double Grade)
Josh Eyre
Olgun Besirik
Craig Wilkinson
Charlie Thompson
Anya McCarrell
7th Kyu Yellow Belt
Eilyad Ghargham
Jack Murphy
Adam Murphy
Craig McCarrell
Keith McCarrell
Lea Vicaldo
Nicola Waugh
Adam Hayward
6th Kyu Green Belt
Scott Mitchell
Aidrian Simpson
5th Kyu Purple Belt
Reece Sales
Chey Robson
Sue Hayes
4th Kyu Purple and White
Chris Stephenson
3rd Kyu Brown Belt
Jerome Castro
Jo Whiting
Anna Bulloch
Sara Morely
Callum Meikle
2nd Kyu Brown & white Belt
Henry Romer
Chris Cuningham
Vadym Vinokuzou
1st Kyu Brown & white Belt
Thomas Clay
Liam Goodfellow
Well done to all the students from Sendai Kushiro and Kaizen Karate Club
Next Grading....
Sunday 6th Decmber 2015
City Space -University of Sunderland
The next Generation of students Line up with Sensei Higgins
Many Congratulations to all the students from Sendai Kushiro Karate Club and Kaizen Karate Club who graded With Sensei Higgins. An outstanding day with fantastic grading results for both clubs. Another very successful day with over 117 students passing their Gradings.
Many thanks to Sensei John James Bruce, Sensei Holly Sterling and Sunderland Sendai Karate Club for their invitation to the Grading